Michal Biber

Michal Biber
lives and creates in Tel Aviv, Israel
2017-2021 MA. The Interdisciplinary Program in the Arts, Tel Aviv University
2016-2017 Teaching Certificate in the Arts, HaMidrasha Faculty of the Arts, Beit Berl College
2005-2008 Drawing and Painting Studies, Hatahana Studio for Figurative Drawing and painting in Tel Aviv.
1984-1988 BFA. Department of Fine Arts, Bezalel Academy of Art and Design
1987 Arts Studies, Gerrit Rietvald Academie of Art and Design, Amsterdam
solo exhibitions
2023 The Heat of The Day, P8 Gallery, Tel Aviv. Curator: Iris Mendel (couple Exhibition with Ruti Ben Yaakov)
2022 I Happened to Find, Yair Gallery, Tel Aviv. Curator: Yair Shulwitz
2018 Chronicles, Tel Aviv Artists House. Curator: Ilan Wizgan
2013 Paintings from Inside and Outside, Montefiore Gallery, Tel Aviv. Curator Yuval Ben Shlush.
2014 Room of Deathbeds, The Artists Residence, Herzliya. Curator: Varda Ginosar
1994 Paintings, Workshop Art, Yavne. Curator: Monica Lavie
1992 A Two-Seat Table, Limbus Gallery, Tel Aviv. Curators: Judith Guetta and Galia Gur Zeev
Selected group exhibitions
2024 Anima Mundi, Teo, Herzlia Curator: Gabi Yair
2023 Portrait- Environments- Watercolor, The municipal gallery, Rishon Lezion. Curator: Irit Levin
2023 Art Books Fair, Artport, Tel Aviv. Curator: Vardit Gross
2022 All Things Seem to Be Waiting, Arts Gallery Kibbutz Givat Haim Ichud. Curator: Ruty Chinsky-Amitay
2022 Art Books Fair, Artport, Tel Aviv. Curator: Vardit Gross
2022 On Two, On Four, Tel Aviv Artists House. Curator: Irit Levin
2022 Not Sailing Anywhere, Workshop Art, Yavne. Curator: Raya Keidar
2020 There, Zuzu Gallery, Emek Hefer. Curator: Rotem Ritov
2019 In Print Book Fair, Hansen House, Jerusalem.
2019 On Hair and Bathing/ Variations, Artists House, Tel Aviv. Curator: Irit Levin
2019 Border Zone, Sara Arman Gallery, Tel Aviv
2019 TL; DR, Zadik Gallery, Tel Aviv-Jaffa. Curator: Hana Comanju
2018 Not in the Same Boat, Nuzha, Tel Aviv-Jaffa
2018 Minshar Against the Deportation, Minshar School of Art, Tel Aviv
2018 Refugees, The Red House, Tel Aviv
2008 Group Exhibition, Liza Gershuni Gallery, Tel Aviv
2005 League, Comme il Faut, Tel Aviv Harbor
2002 T-Shirt Art, Tel Aviv Office Gallery
2002 Making Love or Not Making at All, Limbus Gallery, Tel Aviv
1997 Hair, The Jerusalem Artists House. Curator: Naomi Tannhausen
1996 To Heal the Rift, Hands Gallery, Tel Aviv
1995 Room of Mirrors, New Workshop Gallery for Art, Rishon LeZion
1993 International Art on a Matchbox, Janco Dada Museum, Ein Hod
1992 Xerox, Limbus Gallery, Tel Aviv
1990 Towards the 1990s, Mishkan Museuam of Art, Ein Harod
1985 80 Years to Bezalel, Mishkenot Shaananim, Jerusalem
1989 Four Graduates of Bezalel, Bezalel Gallery of Contemporary Art, Bezalel, Jerusalem
1989 New Names, Artists House, Tel Aviv. Curator: Rachel Shavit
2016 The Trelex Residency, Switzerland